內容:Polio History西元前 1580-1342 年埃及的石碑上雕刻著一位有一條萎縮腿的祭司,使人聯想到小兒麻痺症已經存在了數千年之久。1580-1342 BCAn Egyptian stele depicts a priest with a withered leg leaning on a staff,suggesting that polio has existed forthousands of years.1789 年英國內科醫生麥克‧安德伍德試圖做小兒麻痺症的第一次知名的臨床的描述,名為“下肢的衰弱”。1789British physician Michael Underwood attempts the first-known clinical description of polio, titled “Debility of the Lower Extremities.”1916 年一次在美國紐約小兒麻痺症的流行,提昇了對大西洋的兩岸的關心並且加速進行研究該疾病是怎樣地被傳播。1916A polio epidemic in New York, USA,heightens concern on both sides of the Atlantic and accelerates research into how the disease is spread.1931 年麥克法廉‧伯內特先生和婦女吉恩‧麥克納馬拉鑑定出幾種小兒麻痺症病毒,被稱為類型一、二、和三。1931Sir Macfarlane Burnet and Dame Jean MacNamara identify several types of poliovirus, known as types 1, 2, and 3.1954 年約拿‧沙克博士研發出第一個預防小兒麻痺症疫苗,一種血管注射劑失活性小兒麻痺症疫苗。1954Dr. Jonas Salk develops the first vaccineagainst polio, an injectable inactivated (killed) polio vaccine (IPV).1961 年艾伯特‧沙賓博士研發出一種“活的”口服疫苗來預防小兒麻痺症,快速成為世界上大多數全國免疫計畫的選擇疫苗。1961Dr. Albert Sabin develops a “live” oral vaccine against polio (OPV), which rapidly becomes the vaccine of choice for most national immunization programs in the world.1985 年國際扶輪開始從事於根除小兒麻痺症等疾病,最初以 1.2 億美元的承諾成為一個國際上第一和最大的公共衛生行動支援合作的民間企業。1985Rotary International launches PolioPlus, the first and largest internationally coordinated private-sector support of a public health initiative, with an initial pledge of US$120 million.在 1988 年的小兒麻痺症的情況。扶輪社社員為小兒麻痺症籌款了2.47 億美元,超過了 1.2 億美元的籌款目標的兩倍。在某種程度上透過扶輪的行動的鼓舞,世界保健研習會議通過一項根除小兒麻痺症等疾病的決議,為全球骨根除小兒麻痺症等疾病運動的形成來做準備。The status of polio in 1988. Rotarians raise US$247 million for PolioPlus, more than double thefundraising goal of $120 million.Inspired in part by Rotary’s initiative, the World Health Assembly passes a resolution to eradicate plio, paving the way for the formation of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.1991 年九月在美國境內發生的最後一個本地小兒麻痺症病例。1991The last indigenous case of polio in the Americas occurs in September.1994 年西半球宣佈無小兒麻痺症。1994The Western Hemisphere is declared polio-free.1995 年扶輪社社員和其他義工在中國和印度於一周內讓 1.65 億個兒童免疫。扶輪著手從事於根除小兒麻痺症等疾病夥伴計畫,使得無小兒麻痺症國家的扶輪社社員能夠對小兒麻痺症感染的優先免疫注射運動和其他根除小兒麻痺症等疾病活動的國家內,他們的扶輪社社員夥伴們提供財務上的支援。1995Rotarians and other volunteers immunize 165 million children in China and India in a single week.Rotary launches the PolioPlusl Partners program to enable Rotarians in polio-free countries to provide financial support to their fellow Rotarians in polio-affected, priority countries for immunization campaigns and other polio eradication activities.1996 年宣佈無小兒麻痺症國家的數量減少至 150個。小兒麻痺症的報告比在 1988 年亦減少百分之 85。尼爾森‧曼德拉官方著手從事於“將小兒麻痺症踢出非洲之外”,使使得來自非洲足球聯盟的運動員遍佈於非洲大陸從事於社區公眾意識運動。1996The number of nations declared polio-free declines to 150. The reported incidence of polio is 85 percent less than in 1988.Nelson Mandela officially launches Kick Polio Out of Africa, where players from the African Football Confederation participate in community public awareness campaigns across the continent.1997 年在印度,在一天內有 1.34 億位兒童免疫。1997In India, 134 million children are immunized on a single day.2000 年一個創記錄,將近世界人口的十分之一的5.5 億兒童接受了小兒麻痺症口服疫苗(OPV) 。西太平洋地區、從澳洲跨越到中國,都被宣佈無小兒麻痺症。2000A record 550 million children – almost one-tenth of the world’s population –receive the oral polio vaccine (OPV). The Western Pacific region, spanning from Australia to China, is declared polio-free.2003 年扶輪基金會在一次 12 個月的運動當中從它的社員那裡募得了 1.19 億美元。扶輪捐獻至根除小兒麻痺症等疾病的總數超過 5 億美元。僅僅只有七個國家仍有地方性的小兒麻痺症。2003The Rotary Foundation raises US$119 million from its membership in a 12-month campaign. Rotary’s total contribution to polio eradication exceeds $500 million. Only seven countries remain polio-endemic.2004 年 在非洲,23 個國家同時舉辦目標 8000 萬 位兒童的國家免疫日,在該大陸上最大的 協調一致的小兒麻痺症免疫注射努力成 果。 2004 In Africa, synchronized National immunization Days in 23 countries target 80 million children, the largest coordinated polio immunization effort on the continent.2005 年 在 2002-03 年度裡所著手從事根除小兒麻 痺症等疾病籌款運動最後的總金額超過 1.35 億美元。 2005 The final amount raised for the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign launched in 2002-03 totals more than $135 million.2006 年 地方性小兒麻痺症的國家的數量降低到 4 個(阿富汗、印度、奈及利亞、巴基斯坦), 在人類歷史上最低的數字。 2006 The number of polio-endemic countries drops to four (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, Pakistan), the lowest in human history.2007 年 扶輪對根除小兒麻痺症等疾病努力的捐獻 超過 6.3 億美元。於 2007 年 11 月 26 日, 國際扶輪與比爾和梅林達‧蓋茨基金共同 承諾了 2 億美元來向根除小兒麻痺症等疾 病宣戰。 2007 Rotary’s contribution to the eradication effort exceeds US$630 million. On 26 November 2007, RI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledge US$200 million toward the fight for eradication.